When selling your home in today's market the key to a successful sale is Market Positioning. A well placed home will invite more prospective buyer's resulting in a quicker sale.
In order to place your home competitively you need a few current statics for your area, not just your neighborhood, but homes that are competitive to yours that will involve similar taxes, schools and commutes. Although you may live in what you consider a desirable neighborhood or town someone moving in will be looking at homes that meet their needs in a specific geographic area so if their are similar demographics in neighborhoods or towns surrounding your home they are also your competition.
You need to look at the total # of homes that will be competing with yours for the buyer's attention. That means that if you have a 3 bedroom 2 bath home ALL 3 bedroom 2 bath homes in the entire geographic area are you competition. A buyer may say they only want a colonial or only want a split level but, for the right price if all other needs are met, a cape cod or a ranch will be a consideration for that buyer.
You should then focus on homes that have sold in the past 90 days and how long each of these have been on the market. You will notice that the higher priced homes are on the market the longest. Review the amenities available in the sold homes and compare them to your home, then choose a price competitive with you comparable sold homes.
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